Lowongan Kerja SMA SMK D3 S1 Terbaru PT Lotte Chemical Indonesia November 2024

Lowongan Kerja SMA SMK D3 S1 Terbaru PT Lotte Chemical Indonesia November 2024

LokerBlog.com (Lowongan Kerja SMA SMK D3 S1 Terbaru November 2024) - Bagi setiap orang yang bekerja dengan untuk mengejar karir adalah suatu hal yang lumrah ataupun umum, demi mengejar prestise ataupun bertambahnya keuntungan finansial. Tetapi di era persaingan yang semua serba digital dan semakin lebih maju, persaingan di dunia pasar tenaga kerja menjadi ketat dan semakin lebih sulit. Kemampuan dan keterampilan yang dimiliki menjadi salah satu modal dasar untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan. Anda sebaiknya harus mempersiapkan secara matang dan hati – hati baik itu kompetensi atau keterampilan yang dimiliki untuk dapat lebih bisa bersaing dengan pelamar yang lainnya. Dalam dunia kerja tidak hanya memantapkan kompetensi tetapi cara berpikir dan karakter pribadimu juga dapat menentukan Anda dapat diterima atau ditolaknya dalam sebuah perusahaan. Karir yang sukses adalah cita-cita semua orang. Untuk bisa mencapai ke sana, kita harus mengetahui kunci sukses dalam meniti karir dan harus memahami definisi yang benar tentang karir yang sukses. Jangan mengeluhkan permohonanmu yang belum terkabul, tetapi bersyukur atas segala sesuatu yang telah didapatkan. Selalu ada harapan kepada setiap orang yang berdoa dan berusaha. Jangan gegabah dan selalu berhati-hati terhadap keputusan yang diambil. Sebab hal tersebut berpengaruh kepada karir dan reputasi Anda. Bagi sebagian orang, dalam mencari pekerjaan mungkin adalah sesuatu hal yang sulit karena walaupun sudah melamar di berbagai perusahaan tetapi selalu ditolak dalam perusahaan. Kegagalan ketika sedang mencari pekerjaan itu adalah hal yang biasa Karena setiap mendapatkan kegagalan Berarti Anda sudah mengetahui letak kekurangan dan kesalahan yang anda miliki. Banyak orang gagal ataupun putus asa ketika pertama kali gagal dalam seleksi perusahaan padahal kegagalan bukanlah akhir dari semuanya. Anda harus selalu berusaha dan tetap berdoa agar Anda akan selalu mendapatkan hasil yang lebih baik dari sebelumnya. Semua orang yang sukses pasti pernah menghadapi kegagalan dan tetap sabar sehingga menjadi tumbuh untuk berkompetensi. Semangat yang terbaik untuk bisa bangkit dari kegagalan adalah terus belajar dan memotivasi diri untuk bisa menjadi yang terbaik.

Lowongan Kerja PT Lotte Chemical Indonesia - PT Lotte Chemical Titan Nusantara (IDX: FPNI) adalah perusahaan yang memproduksi polythylene pertama dan terbesar di Indonesia. Didirikan pada tahun 1990 oleh empat perusahaan besar, BP Chemicals Investmen Limited, Mitsui Co Ltd, Sumitomo Corporation dan PT Arseto Petrokimia. Pada awalnya perusahaan ini dinamakan PT Petrokimia Nusantara Interindo atau PT PENI.

Polythylene (PE) adalah bahan polimer yang paling banyak digunakan di dunia dan sangat mudah dijumpai di kehidupan sehari-hari. Produksi PE pertama kali dilakukan pada tahun 1993 dengan kapasitas produksi 200.000 ton per tahun. Pada tahun berikutnya, perusahaan melakukan ekspansi pertama sehingga kapasitas produksi bertambah 50.000 ton per tahun. Program ekspansi kedua dilakukan pada tahun 1998 dengan tambahan kapasitas produksi 200.000 ton per tahun. Pada tahun 2003, Indika Group mengakuisisi BP, Mitsui dan Sumitomo. Kemudian Indika Group menjual kepemilikan sahamnya pada Titan Petchem (M) SDN Bhd, salah satu anak perusahaan dari Titan Chemicals Corp Sdn. Bhd.

Saat ini PT Lotte Chemical Indonesia kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru pada bulan November 2024 untuk mencari calon karyawan yang siap untuk mengisi posisi jabatan yang sedang dibutuhkan. Perusahaan akan mencari kandidat yang terbaik sesuai dengan kualifikasi dan yang cocok untuk posisi yang akan ditempatkan.

Adapun dibawah ini adalah posisi jabatan yang tersedia beserta dengan kualifikasinya saat ini bagi Anda para pencari kerja yang tertarik untuk mengembangkan karir.

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Lotte Chemical Indonesia Tahun 2024


1. Cost Accounting Supervisor

Job Responsibilities:
  • Monitoring and maintain issue from Inventory & production process
  • Checking and controlling on bill of materials
  • Weekly monitoring on product cost to forecast and minimize end month closing issues.
  • Maintaining work centers (men hours/machine hours)
  • Monthly product cost run and update
  • Analyze, and report standard cost fluctuation
  • Analyze, and report variant cost issues
  • Tariff calculation and allocation
  • Advisory to the related dept. with cost control
  • Provide internal/external auditor request data
  • Provide Management with monthly Cost Report/Analysis

Job Requirements:
  • Bachelor Degree majoring Accountancy with GPA min. 3,0 (4 scale)
  • 4-5 years working experience in manufacturing company as cost controller
  • Familiar with SAP system or other Integrated system
  • Good skills in Microsoft Offices (Excel, Ms. Word and Power Point)
  • English fluency both oral and written with good communication skills
  • Willing to be placed in Merak Plant (Cilegon)

2. Utility – Field Operator

Job Responsibilities:
  • Abides by all safety procedures and practices applicable to location and position; participates in appropriate safety training to prevent product contamination, spills and avoid product loss.
  • Follows the instructions of Foreman and Boardman, so that the production process runs smoothly and in accordance with specified standards.
  • Conducts regular sampling according to established procedures and schedules.
  • Patrols the plant area and monitoring all equipment utilities as per work scope (such as RWT, Desalination, Mix bed Polisher, WWT, Compressor Cooling Tower and Flare System).
  • Develops and manages energy and water and utilities usage optimization action plans.
  • Functions as a First Responder for emergency situations inside and outside of facility as assigned.
  • Identifies equipment needs and ensures employees have proper equipment
  • Maintains operations facilities’ appearance; performs inspections; reviews and updates standard operating procedures as assigned; ensures product specifications are met; oversees environmental waste disposal operations as required.
  • Handle process shutdown and start up, and equipment inspection during turn around maintenance.
  • Checks and records in the logsheet plant various local readings all parameters equipment Utilities such as flowrate, pressure, temperature, level, etc and record unusual events after reporting them to Foreman.
  • Assist maintenance work for smooth process operation (Change over Schedule, Filter & STR Cleaning, Lubrication of pump Grease and Oil, Line Unplugging, etc) as per instruction from Boardman
  • TPM Activity (Total Productive Management) including Autonomous Maintenance Coordinator / Administration Office Auditor / Focus Improvement
  • Join other projects related with plant operational such as conduct plant re-HAZOP, implement system for Process Safety Management application, Plant expansion, etc.
  • Troubleshoots processes; proposes improvements, and improvements

  • Min. SMK / D3 (Chemical Engineering or equivalent from reputable University) with min. 4 years’ operation experience in Petrochemicals industries.
  • Good computer skills (Spread sheet, Process modeling, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc); maintenance various email and internet programs and applications, and other software and databases generally seen in a plant environment.
  • Good integrity, initiative, and teamwork ability.
  • Have motivation to learn and willing to work under pressure.
  • Have experience about the Project.
  • Willing to work shifts and overtime.
  • Willing to be located in Merak Plant (Cilegon)

3. Communication Supervisor

Job Responsibilities:
  • Check policies and regulations related to company management and communicate with government officials about matters necessary for the company, such as improving, applying, and obtaining permits
  • Collect and report trends among company stakeholders (central and local government, NGOs, local residents, competitors, partners, etc.) and establish/ implement company’s strategies
  • Support on establishment of ESG strategies and action plans
  • Support on establishment of a crisis management system and management manual
  • Support on establishment of company’s public relations policy and control/manage media activities
  • Handle and manage company’s identity
  • Monitor the business environment including industry, politics, and economy, and report to management
  • Manage company’s website and other company information disclosed to the public

Job Requirements:
  • Communication experts that owns a Bachelor or Master Degree in Communications, Business Management, Public Relations and preferably minimum of 5 years of related experiences
  • Experiences in developing a variety of internal and external communication materials (press releases, Q&A documents, fact sheets, key messages documents, news articles, etc.)
  • Strong relationships with both local and national business and industry media outlets
  • Good analytical and interpretation skills with eye for details and process orientation with strong data management skills
  • Good communication, interpersonal skill, self-starter, result oriented, and able to work under pressure
  • Able to effectively listen, read, and communicate in English
  • Above TOPIK Level 3 Korean Language Proficiency is required
  • Job placement in South Jakarta

4. Sr. Environment Site Engineer

Job Responsibilities:
  • Manage and control environment activity at plant site and deliver achievement of the Environment Target/ KPI
  • Lead Site Environment team to implement Environment activity plan base on annual planning and Environment (RKL-RPL, ISO 14000, PROPER) requirement
  • Perform conducting Environment observation/ audit at plant site to early identification non conformance environment in regard to encourage and ensure the compliance of environment requirement and regulation
  • Conduct proactive encouragement, communication, environment campaign and promotion in regard establish good environment awareness and behavior of employee and corporate HSE culture
  • Manage Environment emergency response procedure and ensure that all emergency team member fit for purpose and Environment emergency facilities ready to use
  • Ensure that Plant operations are in compliance with Environment requirement & Government regulation
  • Respond to inquiries and concerns related to Environment management system
  • Involve for conducting regular Environment risk assessments (aspect and impact)
  • Take follow up action for environment assessment & monitoring to perform RKL-RPL regularly report to management and Government
  • Ensure that all parameter waste water, air emission and hazardous waste meet and comply with our Pertek & Rentek
  • Generate Environment activity reports and ensure that all Environment are well recorded, evaluated & reported
  • Work with team to develop effective Environment strategies to prevent environment accident/ damage
  • Review and recommend improvements plan to existing Environment strategies and target
  • Investigate environment accidents and develop action plans for prevention of recurrence
  • Provide environment job trainings and assistance to team members when needed

Job Requirements:
  • Bachelor Degree in Environment Engineering or major related to HSE Engineering
  • At least 10 Years of experiences in Safety & Health Management in Oil refinery, Petrochemical or Chemical industries
  • Has good knowledge Environment Management System, familiar with ISO 14000, RKL-RPL, PROPER requirement
  • Has good understanding Government Regulation related Environment aspect
  • Has good English communication skills both verbal and writing
  • Has good personality and leadership capability
  • The ability to inspire and influence others
  • Willing work to be placed at Merak Plant (Cilegon)

5. Utility – Field Operator

Job Responsibilities:
  • Abides by all safety procedures and practices applicable to location and position; participates in appropriate safety training to prevent product contamination, spills and avoid product loss.
  • Follows the instructions of Foreman and Boardman, so that the production process runs smoothly and in accordance with specified standards.
  • Conducts regular sampling according to established procedures and schedules.
  • Patrols the plant area and monitoring all equipment utilities as per work scope (such as RWT, Desalination, Mix bed Polisher, WWT, Compressor Cooling Tower and Flare System).
  • Develops and manages energy and water and utilities usage optimization action plans.
  • Functions as a First Responder for emergency situations inside and outside of facility as assigned.
  • Identifies equipment needs and ensures employees have proper equipment
  • Maintains operations facilities’ appearance; performs inspections; reviews and updates standard operating procedures as assigned; ensures product specifications are met; oversees environmental waste disposal operations as required.
  • Handle process shutdown and start up, and equipment inspection during turn around maintenance.
  • Checks and records in the logsheet plant various local readings all parameters equipment Utilities such as flowrate, pressure, temperature, level, etc and record unusual events after reporting them to Foreman.
  • Assist maintenance work for smooth process operation (Change over Schedule, Filter & STR Cleaning, Lubrication of pump Grease and Oil, Line Unplugging, etc) as per instruction from Boardman
  • TPM Activity (Total Productive Management) including Autonomous Maintenance Coordinator / Administration Office Auditor / Focus Improvement
  • Join other projects related with plant operational such as conduct plant re-HAZOP, implement system for Process Safety
  • Management application, Plant expansion, etc.
  • Troubleshoots processes; proposes improvements, and improvements

  • Min. SMK / D3 (Chemical Engineering or equivalent from reputable University) with min. 4 years’ operation experience in Petrochemicals industries.
  • Good computer skills (Spread sheet, Process modeling, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc); maintenance various email and internet programs and applications, and other software and databases generally seen in a plant environment.
  • Good integrity, initiative, and teamwork ability.
  • Have motivation to learn and willing to work under pressure.
  • Have experience about the Project.
  • Willing to work shifts and overtime.
  • Willing to be located in Merak Plant (Cilegon)

Bagi Anda yang berminat, silahkan melakukan pendaftaran secara online:
[PENDAFTARAN] Cost Accounting Supervisor
[PENDAFTARAN] Utility - Field Operator
[PENDAFTARAN] Communication Supervisor
[PENDAFTARAN] Sr. Environment Site Engineer
[PENDAFTARAN] Utility - Field Operator

https://t.me/lokerblog (Channel Lowongan Kerja Terbaru)
https://t.me/infolokerblog (Channel Info Loker Terbaru Tahun 2024)


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Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat bagi Anda para pencari kerja dan jangan lupa untuk membagikannya kepada teman atau kerabat yang membutuhkan.
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