LokerBlog.com (Lowongan Kerja SMA SMK D3 S1 Terbaru September 2024) - Untuk bisa mendapatkan keahlian dan nilai plus dalam kemampuan anda sebaiknya anda pelajari hal - hal yang memang anda kuasai ataupun sesuai dengan bakat yang anda miliki. Terkadang orang tidak mampu mendapatkan pekerjaan karena tidak memiliki Sumber Daya Manusia dan kualifikasi yang baik. Untuk itu supaya Anda terus melakukan hal - hal yang dapat mengembangkan kompetensi anda dan dapat bersaing di dalam dunia kerja. Banyak yang bisa anda harapkan Jika anda memiliki keahlian dan bakat yang lebih. Di samping itu Anda harus memiliki kemampuan yang diluar batas dan dapat membuat perusahaan lebih tertarik kepada anda. Anda juga dapat mempelajari hal - hal baru yang di luar dari bakat anda karena hal ini dapat menjadi nilai tambah seperti bisa bahasa asing maupun mengoperasikan sebuah komputer. Anda harus tahu cara memanfaatkan diri anda supaya dapat menjadi calon talenta muda yang berbakat dan mampu mendapatkan pilihan termasuk pekerjaan. Banyak orang yang tidak mengetahui cara - caranya agar dapat memperoleh pekerjaan dengan baik. Padahal untuk bisa mendapatkan pekerjaan tersebut anda memerlukan persiapan yang matang termasuk mengasah kemampuan dan diri anda sendiri. Begitu banyak cara yang dapat Anda lakukan termasuk mempelajari hal - hal yang baru karena ini dapat mempengaruhi dan menumbuhkan rasa percaya diri anda sebelum anda terjun ke dalam dunia kerja. Setiap orang memiliki kemampuannya masing - masing dalam mendapatkan pekerjaan. Bagi setiap orang bakat tertentu itu sangat penting anda andalkan untuk bisa mendapatkan sebuah pekerjaan. Oleh karena itu ketika anda mencari sebuah pekerjaan pikirkan terlebih dahulu Apakah posisi yang diberikan sudah sesuai dengan kemampuan anda. Dan jangan sampai Anda memaksakan keahlian yang anda miliki yang tidak sesuai dengan pekerjaan karena itu akan membuang waktu Percuma saja. Pastikan dan cocokkan keahlian yang Anda punya sudah sesuai dengan yang dibutuhkan oleh perusahaan.
Lowongan Kerja PT Bentoel Internasional Investama Tbk - British American Tobacco plc. adalah sebuah perusahaan multinasional yang menghasilkan berbagai produk Rokok. Perusahaan ini didirikan pada tahun 1902. Merek rokok yang diproduksi di perusahaan ini ialah Dunhill, Lucky Strike dan Pall Mall. Pada Juni 2009, perusahaan ini mengakuisisi 60 persen saham Bentoel Group, produsen rokok terbesar kedua di Indonesia.
PT Bentoel Internasional Investama Tbk atau Bentoel Group (IDX: RMBA) adalah perusahaan rokok terbesar kedua di Indonesia setelah HM Sampoerna. Perusahaan ini berpusat di Jakarta dan Malang. Pada 17 Juni 2009, perusahaan ini diakuisisi oleh British American Tobacco, perusahaan rokok terbesar kedua di dunia setelah Philip Morris International dengan saham 85%. Kemudian, pada 25 Agustus 2009, BAT menaikkan kepemilikan saham Bentoel Group hingga 99%.
Saat ini PT Bentoel Internasional Investama Tbk kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru pada bulan September 2024 untuk mencari calon karyawan yang siap untuk mengisi posisi jabatan yang sedang dibutuhkan. Perusahaan akan mencari kandidat yang terbaik sesuai dengan kualifikasi dan yang cocok untuk posisi yang akan ditempatkan.
Adapun dibawah ini adalah posisi jabatan yang tersedia beserta dengan kualifikasinya saat ini bagi Anda para pencari kerja yang tertarik untuk mengembangkan karir.
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Bentoel Internasional Investama Tbk Tahun 2024
Global Graduate Trainee Programme 2024
We are constantly on the hunt for resilient, intelligent, and ambitious graduates to join us. Through our Global Graduate Programme, we strive to provide a holistic and fulfilling learning experience for our graduates that is structured around our Agile Learning Model.
1. Global Graduate – Human Resources
Here Is What We Will Offer You In This 18-Months Programme:
- Structured cross functional development programme for you to become a high performing business leader
- Opportunities to engage and build your network within a wide range of internal and external stakeholders
- Right guidance and support through coaching & mentoring with senior leaders and other graduates from all over the world!
- A real job assigned at the executive level for you to apply and contribute your knowledge and learnings to the business
- Focused and comprehensive functional, business and leadership learning opportunities
- You get to work on the world stage through International exposure and experience to apply your imagination to big, global projects, as we streamline supply chains, integrate, and transform our processes for the better.
Requirements :
- Graduated with a Bachelor or Master’s degree in Psychology, Communication, International Relations, Economics, Management, Industrial Engineering, Legal or any equivalent education background with GPA minimum 3.30 out of 4.00
- Maximum 2 years of relevant work experience are welcome to apply
- Excellent academic track record
- Demonstrated strong leadership capabilities via extra-curricular activities
- Outstanding communication skills, strong interpersonal, team building and negotiation skills
- Energetic, resilient, self-motivated, result-driven, highly adaptable, and able to work independently
- Strong analytical skills both qualitative and quantitative
- Globally Mobile
2. Global Graduate – Marketing Deployment
Here Is What We Will Offer You In This 18-Months Programme:
- Engaging with customers and driving our business strategies with the trade stint in our Marketing function, which will be for about a year. After a successful completion of your attachment, you will associate with other functional attachments to develop yourself as a well-rounded business leader.
- Structured cross functional development programme for you to become a high performing business leader.
- Opportunities to engage and build your network within a wide range of internal and external stakeholders.
- Right guidance and support through coaching & mentoring with senior leaders and other graduates from all over the world!
- A real job assigned at the executive level for you to apply and contribute your knowledge and learnings to the business.
- Focused and comprehensive functional, business and leadership learning opportunities
- Build an impact on our international business participating in global cross-market projects, under the supervision of a dedicated Coach & Mentor.
- You get to work on the world stage through International exposure and experience to apply your imagination to big, global projects, as we streamline supply chains, integrate, and transform our processes for the better.
Requirements :
- For Marketing Global Graduates: Graduated with a Bachelor or Master’s degree in Marketing, Management, Economics, Business Administration, or a related field with GPA minimum 3,30 out of 4,00
- Final year student, fresh graduate or a professional with maximum 2 years of relevant work experience
- Possess leadership traits proven through extra-curricular activities.
- Exceptional communication, interpersonal and collaboration skills
- Upbeat, self-motivated, highly adaptable, result driven and able to work independently.
- Strong interpersonal, team building and negotiation skills.
- Excellent academic record
- Should be able to work at any part of the island / city.
- Globally Mobile
3. Global Graduate – Trade Marketing (Sales)
Here Is What We Will Offer You In This 18-Months Programme:
- Engaging with customers and driving our business strategies with the trade stint in our Marketing function, which will be for about a year. After a successful completion of your attachment, you will associate with other functional attachments to develop yourself as a well-rounded business leader.
- Structured cross functional development programme for you to become a high performing business leader.
- Opportunities to engage and build your network within a wide range of internal and external stakeholders.
- Right guidance and support through coaching & mentoring with senior leaders and other graduates from all over the world!
- A real job assigned at the executive level for you to apply and contribute your knowledge and learnings to the business.
- Focused and comprehensive functional, business and leadership learning opportunities
- Build an impact on our international business participating in global cross-market projects, under the supervision of a dedicated Coach & Mentor.
- You get to work on the world stage through International exposure and experience to apply your imagination to big, global projects, as we streamline supply chains, integrate, and transform our processes for the better.
Requirements :
- For Marketing Global Graduates: Graduated with a Bachelor or Master’s degree in Marketing, Management, Economics, Business Administration, or a related field with GPA minimum 3,30 out of 4,00
- Final year student, fresh graduate or a professional with maximum 2 years of relevant work experience
- Possess leadership traits proven through extra-curricular activities.
- Exceptional communication, interpersonal and collaboration skills
- Upbeat, self-motivated, highly adaptable, result driven and able to work independently.
- Strong interpersonal, team building and negotiation skills.
- Excellent academic record
- Should be able to work at any part of the island / city.
- Globally Mobile
4. Global Graduate – Finance
Here Is What We Will Offer You In This 18-Months Programme:
- Structured cross functional development programme for you to become a high performing business leader.
- Opportunities to engage and build your network within a wide range of internal and external stakeholders.
- Right guidance and support through coaching & mentoring with senior leaders and other graduates from all over the world!
- A real job assigned at the executive level for you to apply and contribute your knowledge and learnings to the business.
- Focused and comprehensive functional, business and leadership learning opportunities
- Build an impact on our international business participating in global cross-market projects, under the supervision of a dedicated Coach & Mentor.
- You get to work on the world stage through international exposure and experience to apply your imagination to big, global projects, as we streamline, integrate, and transform our processes for the better.
Requirements :
- Graduated with a Bachelor or Master’s degree in Economics, Finance, Management and Accounting with GPA minimum 3.50 out of 4.00
- Final year student, fresh graduate or a professional with maximum 2 years of relevant work experience
- Possess leadership traits proven through extra-curricular activities.
- Exceptional communication, interpersonal and collaboration skills
- Upbeat, self-motivated, highly adaptable, result driven and able to work independently.
- Strong interpersonal, team building and negotiation skills.
- Excellent academic record
- Should be able to work at any part of the island / city.
- Globally Mobile
LOCATION: Jakarta, Indonesia
5. Global Graduate – Operations
Here Is What We Will Offer You In This 18-Months Programme:
- Structured cross functional development programme for you to become a high performing business leader
- Opportunities to engage and build your network within a wide range of internal and external stakeholders
- Right guidance and support through coaching & mentoring with senior leaders and other graduates from all over the world!
- A real job assigned at the executive level for you to apply and contribute your knowledge and learnings to the business
- Focused and comprehensive functional, business and leadership learning opportunities
- You get to work on the world stage through International exposure and experience to apply your imagination to big, global projects, as we streamline supply chains, integrate, and transform our processes for the better.
Requirements :
- Graduated with a Bachelor or Master’s degree in Engineering (Mechanical, Electrical, Industrial) and GPA minimum 3.30 out of 4.00
- Professionals with maximum 2 years of relevant work experience are welcome to apply
- Excellent academic track record
- Demonstrated strong leadership capabilities via extra-curricular activities
- Outstanding communication skills, strong interpersonal, team building and negotiation skills
- Energetic, resilient, self-motivated, result-driven, highly adaptable, and able to work independently
- Globally Mobile
Bagi Anda yang berminat, silahkan melakukan pendaftaran secara online:
Diharapkan untuk membaca secara keseluruhan informasi dengan teliti
Hanya pelamar terbaik sesuai klasifikasi yang akan diproses untuk mengikuti seleksi selanjutnya
Selama proses rekrutmen tidak ada dikenakan biaya apapun
Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat bagi Anda para pencari kerja dan jangan lupa untuk membagikannya kepada teman atau kerabat yang membutuhkan.
Informasi seputar lowongan kerja BUMN, CPNS & Swasta lainnya kunjungi
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